High Five! Comics

Archive for the ‘Conventions’ Category

For dubbing our San Diego condo “Hive Five Headquarters,” we sure were quiet during the actual convention. Surely, the other blogs were covering all of the actual news stuff (OMG EYE-STABS) while we were out, you know, having fun and stuff. But we wouldn’t be much of a comic blog if we didn’t talk about San Diego Comic-Con itself, so here’s the day-by-day goings on through the eyes of us High Fivers.

Wednesday, July 21

Not much really goes on at Preview Night, but it’s always nice to get the lay of the land. Early access to the floor and first pick of whatever is for sale is cool and all, but that’s more or less all that happens. The highlight of Preview Night (for me) was definitely getting Bill Willingham to sign my copies of Ironwood #7-10 (pfft, don’t judge me). He was shocked when I pulled them out of their bags, and for a minute I thought the whole exchange was going to be super-awkward, but then he jovially asked for our I.D. cards and starting sharing some insider information with us, like how his former studio mates’ mugs are hidden in the cover art of issue #10.

Maggie’s Preview Night highlight? Shaking Michael Dorn’s hand and mumbling “Thank you,” like a big dumb fangirl.

Aside from that, I managed to pick up Power Man and Iron Fist #50, Flash Volume 1 #289 (first Firestorm back-up, the first thing George Pérez ever did professionally) and DC Comics Presents #17 (Superman and Firestorm team-up, a huge hole in my Ronnie Raymond collection). Hell yes.

Thursday, July 22

All the other blogs are putting in their two cents about this, so we might as well follow suit. Yes, Westboro Baptist Church protested Comic-Con and it’s “worship of false idols.” While High Five! unilaterally agreed with Warren Ellis’ plan of “ignore, ignore, ignore,” some attendees opted to counter-protest. Whatever, go for it. My biggest problem was that while most of the signs mocked religious intolerance (I did laugh at “the Cylons destroyed the 12 Colonies for your sins” and Maggie loved the “Kill All Humans!” sign wielded by a Bender),  some of the signs in the counter-protest (namely “Fuck God”) were just as offensive as Westboro’s signs, more or less giving Phelps and crew exactly what they wanted. Oops.

Inside the convention center, we got Hava all badged up and headed straight for the “BOOM! Irredeemable/Incorruptible” panel. Highlights included the potential for character-specific one-shot tie-ins and listening to Waid and Peter Krause discuss their writing process. Oh, and the Irreedemable perfumes by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (friends of Hava’s, plug plug plug).

Later we hit up the “Mondo Marvel” and “DC Comics 75th Anniversary” panels. Holy shit, I could listen to Dennis O’Neil (Green Lantern/Green Arrow!) and Jerry Robinson (creator of Alfred, Robin, and the freakin’ Joker!) talk all day. Fun Fact: According to Jerry Robinson, Batman’s sidekick was NOT named after the bird, but after Robinson’s own childhood nickname.

Maggie and Hava tried to hit up the “Geek Girls Exist” panel but the place was well over capacity and half-full of dudes. Bummer! Still, rather than pout, the girls gave up getting in and held their own Geek Girls panel at a bar on Fifth Street, because this is San Diego Comic-Con, and you can always find something awesome to do when your original plan falls apart. Big congratulations to the Geek Girls’ Network for hosting a massively successful panel!

Later on, Maggie went over to w00tstock and met Wil Wheaton and Aaron Douglas and Matt Fraction while Hava, Jon, and I went to the BOOM! Studios’ Fifth Anniversary Drink-Up and spent upwards of an hour and a half chatting up Peter Krause. Hell of a way to end a night.

Friday, July 23

Friday was Room 6DCE day. After sitting through the “Marvel Video Games” panel (and, I’ll admit, “Marvel vs. Capcom 3” looks pretty rad), the barrage of DC panels began.

First up was “Spotlight on Grant Morrison” and, my god, that was entertaining. Between his bajillion impressions, he announced the release of an Absolute We3 and revealed that Seaguy: Eternal will be coming sooner rather than later.

Next up was the “Batman: The Return” panel. The stage was packed, with Grant Morrison, Bryan Q. Miller, Gail Simone, Paul Dini, Paul Cornell, Judd Winick, Scott Snyder, Frazer Irving, David Finch, Dustin Nguyen, and Mike Marts (I probably forgot somebody). Biggest news was that Morrison will be replaced by Peter Tomasi on Batman and Robin while Morrison starts a new Batman team-up book called Batman Inc. Paul Cornell will also write Knight and Squire (which we’re all pretty psyched for) and a Batman Beyond ongoing was hinted at. Also, the whole panel kept joking about how Dick Grayson is about to get “a bullet in the brain” meaning that I’m pretty sure Jon and I were right (at least about something).

Next was the “Superman: Man of Tomorrow” panel with J. Michael Straczynski, Jeff Lemire, Sterling Gates, Shane Davis, and Paul Cornell. Straczynski discussed his upcoming run on the “Grounded” storyline in Superman (nothing we didn’t already know) and the Superman: Earth One graphic novel he’s writing, with art by Shane Davis. Cornell revealed that Neil Gaiman’s Death will be a major character in Action Comics #894. The biggest news (to us, at least) was that the Phantom Stranger would be a major character in an upcoming Superboy book by Jeff Lemire. YES.

The last panel of the day was “DC Nation.” Dan DiDio, Straczynski, Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, and Jim Lee (flanked by fans in costumes, including a Darkseid who stayed frighteningly in-character) revealed a few future projects, but nothing too crazy. Mostly that Geoff Johns will write a book starring Bart Allen and the other speedsters called Flash: Speed Force, that he’s writing a Dex-Starr Valentine’s Day special, and that he has an upcoming secret project with Grant Morrison.

On the way out, after nearly six hours parked in 6DCE, we ran into fellow blogger Kelson from Speed Force. Who’d have thought people from the internet have, like, faces and stuff!

Maggie and Hava headed over to the Geek Girls Tweet-Up while Jon and I went to Tweet House Party on the U.S.S. Midway and watched William Shatner, Brent Spiner, and LeVar Burton promote a website they knew nothing about and then run away to a VIP area. At least we got to be serenaded by Alice Cooper’s son’s band (Oh God. No).

Saturday, July 24

By this point, we were exhausted, and we still needed to get a ton of shopping done. The only panel we attended on Saturday was “Avatar Press and Max Brooks” where they talked endlessly about Crossed and Lady Death before casually mentioning that Warren Ellis is working on a second volume to Ignition City and that Supergod #4 is fiiiiinally ready to ship next Wednesday. While there wasn’t much news on the Ellis at Avatar front, listening to Max Brooks riff for 45 minutes was a hoot. He even touched on inter-fandom animosity, saying, “Everyone gets to have something, even teenage girls who are afraid of penises. Suck my blood, but don’t touch my tits!”

The rest of the day was dedicated to buying books and gathering sketches (we’ll share those in a separate post) and autographs. Jon managed to track down a sweet copy of October 1976’s Captain Britain #1 (complete with mask) and Maggie got June 1967’s Strange Adventures #201 (featuring an old Animal Man story that’s screaming for the Silver Age Recap treatment).

The most awesome thing of all, however, was talking extensively with Frazer Irving (who drew a three-second Batman for Maggie even though he wasn’t supposed to) and getting a bunch of books signed by Grant Morrison. Oh, and this.

We win at everything.

Sunday, July 25

I guess Hall H had nothing going on because the Exhibit Hall was fucking packed. Everybody walking past the immense line to get signatures and sketches from Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Francis Manapul asked what the deal was and then walked away, unimpressed by some of the best artists in the business.

Maggie gathered 3 out of 4 signatures for her copy of 52 #1 last weekend, with a bit of Con luck on Sunday. We were talking with Greg Rucka at the Oni Booth about some of his upcoming books, including the next issue of Stumptown and a new Queen & Country novel.  As Rucka signed some comics for Maggie, up walked Geoff Johns. Rucka signed 52, then turned around and handed it to Johns for her. The two writers shared an “Aw! Remember the good old days!?” moment, and Maggie did a fist pump because in case you didn’t know, now that Johns is running half the DCU, his signing lines are enormous.

The only panel we attended on Sunday was the “DC Town Hall Meeting.” Dan DiDio and Jim Lee really, really wanted to know what we thought of digital comics. (Answer: We like them, but don’t you dare fuck with our weekly books.) Also, Maggie may have terrfied poor Mr. DiDio. He brought it on himself though, when he asked (albeit jokingly) if she didn’t mean to be at a Harry Potter panel instead.  Sorry, DiDio. You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

We’ve got more San Diego news in store, including some reviews and the High Five! Sketchbook, San Diego edition. Stay tuned!


The crew from Comic Impact put together a great video for this year’s inaugural Long Beach Comic Con, with tons of creator interviews and a bunch of fan reactions. Here’s the trailer; (And yes, that’s High Five!’s very own spazzy co-editor, Maggie, at 1:13, demonstrating what we like to call “A Massive Case of Geek-face.”)

You can watch the full video at comicimpact.com. It’s about 40 minutes long, but High Five! loves you, so here’s a breakdown of who shows up when.

  • 1:10 – Nerd Rock Band Kirby Krackle
  • 1:40 – J.T. Krul, Writer, Blackest Night: Titans
  • 10:35 – Richard Starkings, Writer, Elephantmen
  • 18:15 – Michael Alan Nelson, Writer, 28 Days Later (High Five!’s got a Q&A with him in the pipeline too, look out for that in the coming weeks.)
  • 23:44 – Beth Sotelo, colorist
  • 30:15 – Amanda Conner, artist, Power Girl (if you skip everything, at least watch this interview, she’s a hoot!)
  • 37:48 – Fan Reactions to the con, including more Maggie spazzing.

The absolute best thing about the new Long Beach Comic Con was the MASSIVE artist’s alley, which took up most of the exhibition floor. We picked up a couple of little sketchbooks and went ’round collecting cool sketches from artists we like – some big names, some little ones. Check ’em out (and click to enlarge)!

The Flash and Wonder Woman by Drew Johnson, who pencilled Rucka's Flash/Wonder Woman team-up!

The Flash and Wonder Woman by Drew Johnson, who pencilled Rucka's Flash/Wonder Woman team-up!

Batwoman by Dustin Nyugen, currently working on Streets of Gotham

Batwoman by Dustin Nyugen, currently working on Streets of Gotham

Optimus Prime by Livio Ramondelli, Wildstorm concept artist.

Optimus Prime by Livio Ramondelli, Wildstorm concept artist.

Batgirl by Phillip Tan, currently working on Batman & Robin

Batgirl by Phillip Tan, currently working on Batman & Robin

Baby Beast by J.J. Kirby

Baby Beast by J.J. Kirby

Batwoman by Joel Gomez

Batwoman by Joel Gomez

Detective Chimp, also by Joel Gomez

Detective Chimp, also by Joel Gomez

Martian Manhunter, by Doug Mahnke, currently on Green Lantern

Martian Manhunter, by Doug Mahnke, currently on Green Lantern

Spider-Woman by Ray-Anthony Height

Spider-Woman by Ray-Anthony Height

Captain America by Edward Nuñez Jr.

Captain America by Edward Nuñez Jr.

Spider-Man by Michael O'Hare

Spider-Man by Michael O'Hare

Doctor Fate, also by Michael O'Hare

Doctor Fate, also by Michael O'Hare

Lieam by David Petersen

Lieam by David Petersen

Spider Jerusalem by Darick Robertson

Spider Jerusalem by Darick Robertson

Another Lieam by David Petersen, this one was done at the Comic Vone party on Friday night.

Another Lieam by David Petersen, this one was done at the Comic Vine party on Friday night.

We picked up this awesome sketch of Jughead slugging Galactus at the Comic Vine party, but we don't know who drew it!! Who are you, you mad genius?

We picked up this awesome sketch of Jughead slugging Galactus at the Comic Vine party, but we don't know who drew it!! Who are you, you mad genius?

Well, Long Beach Comic Con is over and, I gotta admit, it made for one hell of a weekend. So much awesome sh*t went down, I barely even know where to begin.


  • At the Boom! Studios panel, they announced a bunch of titles we’re really psyched about! Dingo (by Michael Alan Nelson), the Anchor, Nola, Incorruptible, several Disney titles (but no Darkwing Duck… yet)!
  • Scored many awesome sketches: Batwoman and Detective Chimp by Joel Gomez, Martian Manhunter by Doug Mahnke, Spider-Woman by Ray-Anthony Height, Captain America by Eddie Nuñez, Spider-Man and Doctor Fate by Michael O’Hare, Lieam by David Petersen, and two which totally get their own bullet point!
  • Darick Robertson did a sketch of Spider Jerusalem for both Maggie and Rob! His son also sketched us a sweet Batmouse and got himself an awesome David Petersen Mouse Guard sketch! Geek faces were had by all!
  • Maggie held a copy of X-Men #1 for a long, long time and got a copy of Spider-Woman Vol. 1 #1!


  • Darick Robertson (okay, technically a hand shake) and son (TOTAL high five)

Today was mostly spent geeking out amongst ourselves but, man, it was full of unexpected events. Especially listening to Darick Robertson give a really great constructive critique to an aspiring artist while we chatted with the younger Robertson, who drew us a cute little Batmouse and absolutely freaked when David Petersen sat down on the other side of his Dad.

“Son, do you know who this is? He writes and draws Mouse Guard!”


Seriously, what a cool kid. We are all due for a rest, though. In the meantime, here’s some photos of what totally happened, you guys.

That is the face of "We can just not pay rent this month. Or all of next year. Right?"

This is the face of "We can just not pay rent this month. Or all of next year. Right?"

Darick Robertson's awesome kid, busying himself while Dad worked.

Darick Robertson's awesome kid, busying himself while Dad worked.

Batmouse by young Owen Robertson.

Batmouse by young Owen Robertson.

Darick Robertson signing Rob's copy of Transmetropolitan Volume 1

Darick Robertson signing Rob's copy of Transmetropolitan Volume 1

Awesome, right?

Awesome, right?

We’ll be posting photos of all the cool sketches we collected this weekend a little later, so stay tuned! The guys from comicimpact.com did a quick little interview with our very chatty editor, Maggie, so we’ll be sure to send you their way when it goes up in a few days!

Day two of LBCC! Lots of important news was broken, lots of crazy moments were had, lots of drinks were downed. Let’s just effin’ get to it!


  • Jon and Maggie both met Stan Lee and got autographs (on the Amazing Spider-Man #41 and #71!  Spidey vs. Quicksilver #71 went off to CGC to get slabbed and graded, 1st Appearance of Rhino #41 was a little beat up and is now proudly on display in their living room)!
  • Rob figured out what his holy grail of comics is and bought Firestorm the Nuclear Man #1-4, went to the Boom! Studios Party, and traded Mark Waid his copy of #2 (with weird reader survey in it) for Waid’s personal copy of both #2 and #5! That’s a whole run! (UPDATE: Ten days later, Rob’s got the full Firestorm run, and Mr. Waid posts scans of the weird survey to his blog.)
  • High Five! contributor Hava got her convention cherry popped and saw her comic bro-crush, Geoff Johns!
  • At DC Nation, they announced that Johns’ new Flash run will have a Wally West co-feature, that Dan DiDio and Phillip Tan are taking over the Outsiders, and that the new Speedster is a girl (something Maggie has desperately wanted to happen)!
  • Aforementioned Boom! Studios Party was tame, but fun! So much Sam Adams October Fest is in Rob’s belly!


  • Geoff Johns (again)

Yeah, so we only high fived one dude who we also happened to high five yesterday. To be fair, we were busy being all awesome and hobnobbing with people whose books we love. Plus, Jon and Maggie had non-con business to attend to and Rob had to show Hava the ropes! Rob is tired of typing in the third person! Picture time!

Maggie and the Littlest Deadpool.

Maggie and the Littlest Deadpool.

Maggie & The Man signing Spider-Man #41, 1st appearance of Rhino!

Maggie & The Man signing Spider-Man #41, 1st appearance of Rhino!

Lookit the pretty!

Lookit the pretty!

Day one of Long Beach Comic Con was short and sweet (to say the least). For only technically being open for four hours today, there was a crazy amount of shit that we managed to accomplish.


  • Both Los Angeles and Long Beach declaring October 2, 2009 to be Stan Lee Day (and he thought he “was just here to cut a goddamn ribbon”)!
  • Having Geoff Johns sign the Firestorm variant for Blackest Night #3 which, apparently, he never saw before!
  • Maggie holding her holy grail of comics, the Flash #123!
  • Having a ridiculously long conversation with J.J. Kirby about Kilowog and the X-Babies (complete with a sketch of Baby Beast)!
  • Scoring a gigantic free sketch of Lieam from Mouse Guard by David Petersen!
  • Picking up a copy of Wonder Woman #214 (Flash & Wonder Woman team up!) and getting it signed by artist Drew Johnson (who also agreed to an interview)!
  • Not drowning in a sea of poor hygiene and actually being able to walk from here to there (take that, SDCC)!


  • Geoff Johns
  • Mark Waid
  • J.J. Kirby

As I said, cut us some slack for not doing that much. It was the short day! But here’s hoping tonight’s Atomic Comics karaoke party (even a hot Wonder Woman couldn’t talk too many nerds into getting on stage with a live band, bless them) doesn’t hold a candle to tomorrow’s Boom! Studios shindig. Oh, tomorrow’s going to be one full fucking day. At least it’s close enough to home that I can actually spend tonight in my own bed (instead of the backseat of a Yaris, which is what I did at SDCC this year).

Jeph Loeb reads the Proclamation of Stan Lee Day!

Jeph Loeb reads the Proclamation of Stan Lee Day!

"These things are a lethal weapon!"

"These things are a lethal weapon!"

Not gonna lie, I thought she might make a run for it.

Not gonna lie, I thought she might make a run for it.

Please, please don't photoshop Geoff Johns.

Please, please don't photoshop Geoff Johns.

We really, really need to know who drew this.

We really, really need to know who drew this.

That’s all for today High Fivers! We’ll be back tomorrow with reports from DC Nation and 50 Questions with Mark Waid! If you’re in the LA/OC area, admission is only $25 for a one day pass tomorrow, come hang out! And at the end of the weekend, we’ll post all the cool stuff in our sketchbooks!

High High Fivers! We’re off to the First EVER Long Beach Comic Con tomorrow, here’s our plan for the weekend:
Friday: We’ll mostly spend Friday checking out the exhibit hall, getting the lay of the land and hitting Long Beach’s gigantic artist alley. Maggie will probably hit up the Comics on Comics panel at five, and we’ll most likely be at the Comic Vine party Friday night – but I’m pretty sure that’s a dry party so we probably won’t be there for long. 😀
Saturday: Holy moly, Jonny and Maggie are gonna meet Stan Lee. That’s in the morning, hopefully they’re out of there in time for DC NATION at noon. Then we’re off to 50 Questions with Mark Waid (he did a practice round on his podcast, check it out!), Rob will most likely attend the Berkeley Breathed panel, and then J & M are out of there by 4, our cousin is getting married!
Sunday: Boom! Spotlight at eleven, we’re hoping for juicy details on Waid’s newest title, Incorruptible. Then maybe the Story Structure and development panel with Jeph Loeb.
The panels at Long Beach are only about 45 minutes each, I’m a little worried that they’ll all run over their alloted time, but maybe the event planners have overtime built into the schedule. If you’re local and want to go, weekend passes are $45 and day passes are $25, you can pick them up in person at the Long Beach Convention Center.
And of course we’ll be twittering the whole thing, so be sure to follow us if you’re not already!
If you find us running around at the show and you’re an out of towner, we can tell you where the good bars are…

lbccblog_logo_shadow2-150x150High High Fivers! We’re off to the First EVER Long Beach Comic Con tomorrow, here’s our plan for the weekend:

Friday: We’ll spend Friday checking out the exhibit hall, getting the lay of the land and hitting Long Beach’s gigantic artist alley. Maggie will probably hit up the Comics on Comics panel at five, and we’ll most likely be at the Comic Vine party Friday night – but I’m pretty sure that’s a dry party so we probably won’t be there for long.  Seriously, unless someone spikes the punch we won’t make it til 11:30. 😀

Saturday: Holy moly, Jonny and Maggie are gonna meet Stan Lee. Yeah, I’m freaking out too. That’s in the morning, hopefully we’re out of there in time for DC NATION at noon. Then we’re off to 50 Questions with Mark Waid (he did a practice round on his podcast, check it out!), Rob will most likely attend the Berkeley Breathed panel, and then J & M are out of there by 4, our cousin is getting married!

Sunday: Boom! Spotlight at eleven, we’re hoping for juicy details on Waid’s newest title, Incorruptible. Then maybe the Story Structure and development panel with Jeph Loeb.

The panels at Long Beach are only about 45 minutes each, I’m a little worried that they’ll all run over their alloted time, but maybe the event planners have overtime built into the schedule. If you’re local and want to go, weekend passes are $45 and day passes are $25, you can pick them up in person at the Long Beach Convention Center.

And of course we’ll be twittering the whole thing, so be sure to follow us if you’re not already!

If you find us running around at the show and you’re an out of towner, give us a high five and we’ll tell you where the good bars are, because we’re helpful like that.

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